How to Calculate Traffic Accident Death Rates

Traffic accident death

According to a study by Jorg Kubitzki of the Allianz Center for Technology, a high per capita income is a key factor in road traffic death. The study also found an association between neighborhood poverty, blue collar occupation, and low education, which are all associated with a greater likelihood of dying in a road traffic accident.


The Vision Zero Program is a city-wide effort to prevent traffic accident deaths and injuries. It calls for $3.1 billion to be poured into the city’s budget to implement plans created by the New York City Department of Transportation to improve street design, add bike lanes, and redesign intersections.

Road traffic injury deaths are a major health concern around the world. The United Nations General Assembly has set an ambitious target of reducing fatalities and injuries from traffic accidents by 2030. Globally, more than 1.3 million people die from road traffic accidents every year, including children aged five to 29. Around 20 to 50 million people sustain injuries that result in long-term disabilities. And more than half of all road traffic deaths occur to road users who are the most vulnerable.

Methods of calculating fatality

There are a variety of methods for calculating the fatality rate in traffic accidents. The Poisson distribution method uses probabilities that range from 0 to 1 and eliminates the need to scale the data. It also has the advantage of being applicable to any exposure value. However, if you’re not comfortable using the Poisson distribution method, you might consider a different approach.

The Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) provides statistics on fatal injuries. This data is collected from a variety of sources. In the past, the CFOI used employment-based rates that measured the relative risk of death among employed workers. However, this method does not account for the number of hours of employment required by these workers. The fatality rate is then calculated using the number of workers who are employed in any given state divided by the number of fatally injured workers, dividing this figure by 100,000.